OWCP Schedule Award

The schedule award refers to a set schedule of monetary damages for impairment of an extremity or a body part recognized by the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA).

Payments are based on impairment to certain body parts. Claimants are entitled to an award based on a set number of weeks for their impairment or loss. OWCP (Office of Workers Compensation Program) has very specific criteria for establishing the right to a damage award.

The schedule award is similar to money damages for impairment of an extremity, or a body part recognized by 5 U.S.C. § 8107 of the FECA act (Federal Workers’ Compensation Act). OWCP (Office of Workers Compensation Program) has very specific criteria for establishing the right to a damage award. You cannot sue the Government for a Federal Workers Compensation damage award. You must work through the Department of Labor (OWCP). OWCP requires a sophisticated medical report. The medical report must comply with the A.M.A. Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition and the July/August 2009 edition of the Guide’s Newsletter. Also note that certain OWCP regional offices have hired an outside contractor in an attempt to diminish any recovery for this damage award (schedule award)

Please note the following information which is exceptionally important:

  • If OWCP has hired outside medical contractors to render alleged IME (Independent Medical Exam) reports, these reports are neither independent nor actual exams.

  • OWCP does not automatically grant a schedule award.

  • OWCP is now attempting to contest the right to a schedule award.

Alan Shapiro recently prevailed in the case of R.L. vs US Post Office 61 ECAB 09-1948 June 29, 2010. This decision expands the right to a schedule award.